Decentralized Trial Solutions

Utilizing tomorrows Innovation – Today

Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs) are an important part of the future of clinical trials. DynamiQ Health can help you develop the right DCT-strategy and support with implementation. We provide a platform for seasoned industry organizations to empower their clinical trial eco-system with validated methodology and technology partners, helping them to utilize DCT elements that lead to higher efficiencies and quality of service.

Decentralized Trials Solution by DynamiQ Health.

Trial IQ by DynamiQ Health

Trial IQ is a proprietary platform that integrates various systems, centralizes data flows and provides AI enabled insights.

Validate DCT Potential

We want to make innovation real and digestible. Therefore, we check at the beginning of each trial, which elements of a DCT are suitable for the trial and can generate a real benefit. Together with you we develop a strategy to implement the right innovation.

Analyze Study Design and Conduct DCT Workshop
Identify suitable DCT Elements
Strategy to implement DCT parts
Implementation and continuous adaption

Let´s discuss how we can bring Performance to Your Trial

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